Good day,

Well summer is over and we are back at the game, with 4 months left to finish 2015 on a ‘winning note’.  With this in mind we have decided to send 3 newsletters in the upcoming months, focusing on important individual and organizational leadership questions.  

We are going to start with ‘Questions for Leaders’, which will focus on extremely valuable areas of understanding for you and your direct reports to discuss. We believe these questions are excellent for both the individual answering the questions (self examination & understanding), as well as for you as a leader (to reflect upon and understand your team members, on a much more personal level). In addition, the feedback will provide you with valuable input to help those that you lead.

The second set of questions will focus on ‘key organizational effectiveness questions’. These questions will span from the strategic to operational and from inside to outside the organization.

Finally, we will send you the most important questions that CEO’s are wrestling with. In addition to these questions, we will provide you with an opportunity to take part in a confidential on-line survey, relating to these questions. If you participate we will send you the results of this survey.

We hope you find these questions both stimulating and valuable.

Questions for Leaders

Leadership is all about an individual ‘showing &/or paving the way’ to others on their team. With this in mind, the following are questions to discuss with each of your direct reports, on a one-on-one basis.

  • What can I do to make you happier here?
  • What do you find challenging about your work?
  • What’s energizing about your work?
  • How can I be a better leader for you to be successful?
  • What resources do you need that you currently don’t have?
  • What motivates you to work hard?
  • Do you feel appreciated and receive the praise and recognition that you feel you deserve?

Strategic Initiatives Consulting’ is the executive coaching process that many of our clients partake in.

For further information on this process, just click here.